Ant-Man and the Wasp

Reviews ( 2 )

 Posted by Danish Chougle

Review & Rated by Danish Chougle

Despite being under house arrest, Scott Lang, along with the Wasp, sets out to help Dr Hank Pym to enter the quantum realm as they face new enemies along the way.

Rated :

21 July , 2020 | 08:30 PM

User Rated (1)

Average (3 / 5)

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Reviews (1)

  1. user

    22 July , 2020 | 10:16 PM

    Ant-Man and the Wasp’ returns in full size form. So, after all the chaos and heartbreak with ‘Infinity War’, Marvel have stepped on the breaks and went back for a safe comedic tone. Basically being it’s own side story in this already big universe.  

Review & Rating