Made in Heaven

Reviews ( 1 )

 Posted by Shardul

Review & Rated by Shardul

Made in Heaven exposes our vulgar obsession with social perceptions, our all-consuming desire to be seen as belonging in an exclusive bracket, our raging need for upward social mobility. It is essentially a show about the struggle for acceptance and belonging. It’s about a certain pool of people who remain marginalised in the context and milieu of the mainstream and the urban elite and their battle to fit in. It’s about gender wars, class wars, and wars fought to legitimise sexual identity. It’s genuinely impressive how much of these seemingly complex themes the makers pack into 9-episodes without reducing their gravity or making them appear tokenist. There’s something achingly sad about this show. It’s a show about marriages, a happy occasion, but there are rarely any happy weddings in it, barring one, where a couple in their 60s get married, another brave choice of subject, which is largely stigmatised in most cultures.

Rated :

25 July , 2020 | 02:30 PM

Review & Rating